More in this series: Prologue, Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch. 8, Ch. 9, Ch. 10, Ch. 11, Ch. 12, Ch. 13, Ch. 14, Ch. 15, Ch. 16, Ch. 17, Ch. 18, Ch. 19, Ch. 20, Ch. 21, Ch.22, Ch. 23
Goblins mingled, weary and disgruntled. They had chosen representatives, but their purpose was muddled. “The elves stole from us,” Many goblins complained to those with whom they discussed. “What kind of deal can we make with snotsicles? They’re dreamy snowflakes and far too whimsical. They won’t see reason because they’re delusional.” Goblins felt elves simply did not understand the world. In fact, it was the goblins who were victims of injustice From the elves who wanted to make goblins more than uncomfortable. Those lazy sludgelings would cause societal collapse. “Would cause!” A goblin exclaimed with a dramatic pause. “They’ve destroyed the economy With their protests already. “They’ve crippled the banks And crashed supply chains. “They’re exacerbating the problems. Yet, they say they want to solve them.” Among the goblins there grew a sour disposition. Many were forgetting the wise words to which they previously listened.
Eight elves on reindeer and one in the sleigh. Nicholas tutted and cracked the reins. It wasn’t as large a team as could have been hoped, But their enthusiasm was like a fire well stoked. They stole to workshops. In some holes they also stopped. Before long they loaded the whole sleigh And each caribou carried full weight. Each elf carried a full sack And Nicholas his own pack. Fully loaded, the team was ecstatic with success. They couldn’t wait to see the children’s happiness. As they arrived at the gathering places They handed out toys, and the children began to play. More and more lined up with eager little faces. Nicholas drove the sleigh around to give everything away. There was still some left when all the children were occupied, So Nicholas convinced some elves to go with him to the goblin side. Idly left her elflings to play with some friends Then hopped in the sleigh with Nicole and Cornnan. The four drove slowly through Central Pole Park Asking parents for permission To give toys to their children. They didn’t stay long at any one part. From deep in the park came a goblin cry, “That’s the goblin slayer!” And, in the blink of an eye Goblins began to charge the sleigh. The elves jumped in as fast as they could manage. The reindeer dashed away like bandits. They dumped the rest of the toys in the snow To reduce weight and go as fast as they could go. The deer flew through the park with the sleigh in tow, Goblins chasing and throwing everything they found to throw. The elves sat down low covering their heads. Nicholas was so big he made a prime target. When they arrived at the bank their clothes were dotted in scarlet. The goblins retreated. Back into the park they went. Idly’s eyes filled with tears seeing Nicholas covered in red. Cornnan ran to get help inside. Nicole put her ear to Nicholas’ chest. She did not hear a heartbeat or feel any breath. Nicholas sat still slumped to one side. Nicole and Idly laid him down as gently as they could. They frantically pumped his chest, but his mouth just dribbled blood. By the time Cornnan arrived with nurses there was nothing to be done. It was clear to all that great Nicholas was forever gone.