Who does this guy think he is?
Well, I was a student and have a B.A. and MDiv. both focusing on ministry and biblical studies. I was a teacher during which time I taught high school students about the Bible. I was also a minister of various sorts in a few different churches. I was a legal assistant at a law office that focused on immigration law. Most recently, though, I was a mail carrier walking your (mostly spam) mail right to your mail box in all temps. and weather conditions.
So, you could say I’m a failed mailman, paralegal, minister, and teacher with a useless education. But don’t say that because that’s mean. Instead, think of me as someone with a variety of lived experience with too much education for his own good who thinks a lot and wants to share those thoughts with other people in imaginative ways.
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By subscribing you’ll get Wishbone Poetry directly in your inbox every week. You’ll be able to read it whenever you want without having to hunt it down on any of the numerous social media platforms or even come to find it here on Substack.
What have I gotten myself into?
Don’t worry, the inside of my head is scarier to me than anyone else. My poetry unleashes a bit of that on you, but you won’t encounter the full force with a single poem a week.
My poetry is full of thoughts emotions and imagination. The good thing for you is that you can read and interpret this creative writing as you will or simply move on to think about something else. For me, however, these thoughts take up residence in my head for who knows how long. But, one way to deal with all of these thoughts and feelings is to share them with you in imaginative ways. So, you’ll encounter poems that deal with grief, pain, and suffering as well as those that are more like musings, thought experiments, and even stories.
Given my educational background and religious upbringing some poems may be theological or church related, but most come from how I think and feel about the current world around me and the situation of my life at the time. I’m sure there will be something in most of my poems you can either relate to or use to stimulate your own thought processes in some way.
If you have the courage to go deeper into my troubled mind I’ll share more thoughts and content with paying subscribers.
Pay for something I already get for free? Why?
Yes, I need money. I, like everyone else, need money to live. That is a simple, while unfortunate, fact of life. If you choose to give me money I will give you more stuff than if you choose not to give me money.
You’ll get commentary on my poems in case you ever want to know a little more or feel a little lost when reading something weird that I wrote.
You’ll get audio in case you’d rather I read to you instead of reading yourself.
You’ll also get to participate in my writing process by giving me feedback, asking questions, and making suggestions.
There may also be other goodies along the way.
For $6 a month you’ll grab the other end of the wishbone to break though the mundane way of seeing the world around us. And if you have the inclination you can even give the gift of Wishbone Poetry to someone else who might need a break:
However deep you decide to go I’m grateful you’ve chosen to connect through Wishbone Poetry. Thank you for your support, and welcome to the community.